Law Of Attraction

6 Exercises To Attract Money And Wealth Instantly

Experts sometimes say you can manifest anything in 7 days. If the process hasn’t been as simple for you, then you might be tempted to give up your Law of Attraction work.

However, it’s entirely possible to manifest wealth! You just have to earn the right techniques. In addition, even if abundance isn’t your main manifestation goal, you’ll surely benefit from attracting more money into your life regardless.

Whether you want to wine and dine your dream partner, start a new business, travel the world, or build your confidence, some extra cash certainly can’t hurt. In many of the best Law of Attraction money stories, financial success is the gateway to a huge number of other forms of success. So, why not spend the next week or so honing these six fool-proof techniques?

Attract Money Step 1. Focus On Abundance

Often the top of the list of Law of Attraction money tips, this exercise is predicated on the core Law of Attraction premise that you attract more of what you focus on.

So, if you spend more time focusing on the abundance you have, more could come your way. There are many ways to do this. For example:

  • Keep a journal and make a daily habit of noting down 1-5 things you’re grateful to have.
  • Close your eyes for 3-5 minutes, spending all the time inhabiting your deepest feelings of gratitude for the abundance in your life.

Attract Money Step 2. Flip The Script

When you’re trying to attract abundance, your inner critic will often tell you that you can’t. Sometimes, it will even tell you that you don’t deserve to be wealthy.

Whenever a negative thought like this arises, immediately flip it around and focus on the opposite. For example, when you worry “I don’t think I’ll ever be successful enough to make money”, firmly tell yourself “Everyone can be successful enough to make huge amounts of money”.

If necessary, use a thought-stopping technique like saying the word “Stop” out loud or picturing a red stop sign.


Attract Money Step 3. Spend In Alignment With Your Values

Another of the best ways to attract money is to ensure you spend the wealth you have on things that really matter. When you live in a way that aligns with your values, you get much money pleasure from spending and develop a much more positive relationship with money. And when you view money in a positive, loving way, you’ll attract more money instantly!

And if you’re not sure what you value, do the following:

  1. Write down the five most important experiences of your life.
  2. Write 5 words that describe each.
  3. Ask yourself: what common themes emerge? These are your key values.

Attract Money Step 4. Face Facts

Manifesting wealth isn’t just about connecting money with happiness. It’s also about looking at the reality of your financial situation and acting accordingly. So, be honest with yourself. Look at all your finances, including debts. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it. Friends, family, and financial advisers can all help you draw up a plan to improve the situation.

If you don’t have abundance today, that’s okay. Remind yourself that it’s not possible to get to where you want to go unless you engage with the truth of where you are right now.

Attract Money Step 5. Smell Money

While it might sound strange at first, you’ll be better at using the Law of Attraction for money and wealth if you connect with the smell of money. When you do this, you align your own vibration with wealth and abundance. As you do this, imagine yourself as having all the wealth you need. Don’t think about why you want money, or how you wish you had more money. Let your brain believe you are fully abundant, right now.

This is a quick and easy exercise. However, done often, it can reset old negative beliefs about money, ones that are holding you back.

simple morning ritual manifests cash in as little as 23 hours

Attract Money Step 6. Banish Fear Of Success

Many people accidentally self-sabotage. So, you might on some level be afraid of what will happen if you attract money!

  1. Write down all the reasons you might be afraid to be abundant. For example, you might write “What if people only use me for my wealth?” or “What if I’m not happy, even when I’m rich?”.
  2. For each fear, think about where it comes from. Did someone from your past give you this message? Is it coming from your social setting? Note the source.
  3. Finally, write a reply to each worry. For example, “I’ll still know true friends from false friends no matter how wealthy I am”.

10 Money Affirmations For Wealth And Abundance

Aimed at harnessing the Law of Attraction, money affirmations can quickly help to focus your heart and mind on your goal.

They are simple phrases that contain powerful messages of happiness and success. Try the following affirmations for wealth and abundance. Saying them into a mirror before you start your day can be especially effective.

  • “I love money. Money is good.”
  • “I am attracting more money each day.”
  • “I am ready to receive all the wealth I deserve.”
  • “There is no limit to how much money I can attract.”
  • “I value money and am attracting more and more of it into my life.”
  • “I will always have exactly the amount of money I need.”
  • “Earning money is easy for me.”
  • “I know I can succeed in attracting wealth, and in achieving all my goals.”
  • “I live a successful, abundant, joyful life.”
  • “Every day, I magnetically attract more wealth.”

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