Vibrant Health Could Be One Prayer Away

The most important piece of equipment anyone can own is their own body. If that fails, nothing else matters, right? Health is of vital importance, yet most people don’t take it seriously enough. Too many of us make all the wrong decisions—what to eat, how much exercise to do, and what to drink and how…

8 Fun Ways To Practice Creative Visualization

Here are eight creative things you can do to immediately start moving closer to your dreams. I’ve done all of these things, and many, many more. Are some silly and embarrassing? Yes. Is living the life you dream of worth it? Hell, yes. 1. Write a blueprint for your life. Write down (or I suppose you…

5 Reasons Why You Are Worthy Of Wealth

By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism This might sound a little strange… but do you truly believe that you DESERVE wealth? Sometimes the number one thing holding people back from manifesting wealth is that deep in their subconscious minds, they don’t really believe that they are worthy of a financially-free life. There…