How The Law Of Attraction Really Works For many years I have been writing about the law of attraction but I just realized that I overlooked the basic questions, that is: when we say the law of attraction what do we mean? And, how does it actually work? Today is the day that I answer these questions.…
By Heather MathewsAuthor of Manifestation Miracle “What you seek is seeking you.” – Rumi If I told you that you could create the exact type of circumstances you want, would you call me crazy? What if your very thoughts could create ripples of change that not only impact your life… …but those around you as…
When you hear someone talk about their success with the Law of Attraction (LoA) or The Secret, you’ve likely witnessed a passionate, excited person describe what seems like impossible magic. Law of Attraction fans will tell you that their wildest dreams easily come true, and positive thinking makes it happen. But how does it work? And why is it so mysterious? Below…